Hardway is a newly developed, modified copolymer product that may be used for any type of driveway or pathway without the need for bitumen. To create the roadways for all driveways and walks, we combine Hardway HW-11, a milky liquid, with crushed stones.

The product is designed for stabilizing all kind of soil. The combination of high molecular weight, hardness and flexibility produces the Layer with superior toughness and durability. Also suitable for dust control. Low viscosity facilitates dilution with water. Enhances compressive strength of Unmodified soil.

– APE – free and no added formaldehyde donors.

– Excellent scrub and stain resistance.

– Low VOC capable (< 10g / 1 ) with the use of a low VOC coalescent.

– Excellent touch up.

Since Hard-way is completely environmentally friendly, using it in place of bituminous asphalt or concrete is a very good way for governments to declare their compliance with the Paris Agreement, which requires them to take effective environmental measures or risk fines and penalties. When compared to alternatives like asphalt, the pricing is extremely competitive and can even be 40% lower. Hardways can be completely colored and utilized for ornamental areas or roads that must be painted in black, gray, or any other color.

The advantage of HARDWAY over asphalt and concrete is the material’s amount of usage; that is, different functions and applications require different amounts of HW. For heavy-duty roads, for instance, more HW is needed; for light-duty functions, such as parking lots, etc., less HW is needed, and the overall cost will be significantly less than that of the other options. In the summer or in hotter nations, having colored roads means having significantly less heat absorption, which saves tire wear and reduces heat generation on the roadways. Hard-way application produces no pollution because it requires no fuel or heat. Almost five times quicker to apply and construct a road than with interlock or asphalt.


All of the shortcomings of conventional bars are absent from the polymer reinforcement, commonly known as composite Rebar. Composite reinforcement has become widely employed overseas, especially in Japan, where it is used to reinforce concrete structures that are subject to heightened criteria for seismic stability. The polymer composite reinforcement is separated into two categories based on its composition: fiberglass and basalt. In terms of structure, structural or plain profiles can be used in the manufacturing of Composite Rebar type products.

The construction of fiberglass composite reinforcement bars (abbreviated: AKP-S) is the area of expertise for our production facilities. Although the basalt-plastic reinforcing bars cost a lot more than the fiberglass ones, they are even stronger.

Fiberglass is a new generation of composite material that may be used to create any shape of sturdy, lightweight building.


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Walls, floor screeds, balconies, and foundations reinforced. Additionally, composite fittings can be utilized to construct perimeter walkways, platforms for balcony plates, and belts covered with armor. They can also be employed as flexible structural connections.

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Coastline protection and stabilization measures include erecting bridges, fortifying buildings and structures along the shore, installing pontoons and floating caissons, constructing gravity-based structures for oil and gas platforms, and creating basins and the stabilization and protection of coastal banks.

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Fiberglass is used in agriculture and animal husbandry to provide supports for vines, electric fence pegs, arcs and frames for greenhouses, fences, and irrigation channel reinforcement.


Specialized storage rooms and warehouses; industrial floors; logistics and cleaning facilities; reinforcement of chemical industry facilities.